Beard Transplant

What is Beard Transplant?

Beard hair transplant for men is widely used as a treatment that an growing number of young males chose to undergo in order to keep up with the unshaped or bearded look that is currently in trend. Doctors, however, show that only older people are going through the treatment because it can improve their morale and make them appear more respectable and elegant.

In 2012, the market for facial hair transplantation in Britain rose by 12 per cent from the previous year. This applies to 4,500 British people who are currently going through the process. The 10% annual drop in sales of razors and blades is another indication that this practice will rise in popularity amid the bearded-looking phenomenon.

Beard transplant is healthy and pain-free and takes about two and five hours and occasionally includes a second visit to the specialist. During the operation, the hair is transplanted to the face from the back of the patient’s head (also known as the “donor area”).

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Best Beard Transplant Procedure

More precisely, by using the widely prescribed FUE process, hair follicles are removed from the back of the head using a simple disposable device. After that, and before they are planted in the beard field, they are held at a different temperature in a special solution that allows them to grow later.

Unlike other hair transplant techniques, the FUE treatment prevents the patient’s follicles from necrotic cutting and from the environment. Finally, with the use of the FUE Implanter (with a diameter of less than 1 mm) the hair follicles are inserted in the appropriate area of the neck.

The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedure is preferred because, unlike other forms of facial hair transplantation and non-surgical hair removal, it does not require scalpels, incisions, openings in the recipient skin or stitches. In fact, more than half of the hair follicles inserted live with the FUE procedure.

Medical professionals using the FUE method have been highly qualified in the process and are known in their profession. The effects of the operation are not instant because the transplanted hair of the beard comes out after two weeks. However, three months later, it slowly grows again. Colleagues and colleagues do not immediately note the difference, because it slowly becomes obvious.

In comparison to non-surgical hair substitutes, the transplanted beard has the same properties as the original beard. It can be cut, shaved and checked without being ruined in the first few months. This is not possible to get beard hair from a source.

Often, it is best to see a doctor with a image of the desired beard than to have a detailed review of what the desired outcome is. In addition, this simple, fast and clinically accepted treatment will give people the beard they seek. Beard hair transplant is a treatment that not only tackles fashion, but also any man who wants a boost of confidence to offer a full beard tailored according to his taste. In any case, it is best to use the existing FUE practitioners that we suggest for better and safer outcomes.

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